UN Women Australia Acquiring Regular Givers through Facebook


Due to Covid 19 UN Women Australia needed to find a digital way to utilise their face to face fundraising budget. 

UN Women Australia found telemarketing conversions were becoming too expensive, the market was saturated and they were unable to use face-to-face fundraising due to the Covid 19 restrictions.

They were struggling to communicate with their supporters in a supporter focused way and found their journeys weren't succinct. UN Women Australia has little resource and also a digital knowledge gap so found it difficult to create successful digital journeys. They came to RaiseThru to help them to acquire more leads digitally, quickly, and effectively.


Facebook Messenger - using a bot & live fundraiser to accquire leads 

RaiseThru empowered and enabled UN Women Australia to build a highly successful lead generation Facebook Messenger campaign. By using Facebook Messenger they were able to create a simple, accessible campaign that keeps all communication in one platform, has a fast journey with the potential to go from ad to regular donor in under 5 minutes, and all with a highly competitive CPA.

The full journey is less invasive than TM and allows the supporter to choose how and when they want to interact with the campaign. The petition sign up and the survey happens within messenger all as part of the same seamless experience. This also allows the leads to be qualified before they get to the live fundraiser. 

How It Works

1. Facebook Creative Ad

FB ad asks supporters to sign the petition. It directs them straight Facebook Messenger

2. Messenger opens & Supporter signs petition

The FB chat bot asks them to sign the petition in Messenger

3. Starts the survey

The supporter is asked up to 6 qualifing questions in Messenger

4. Meets live fundraiser

The supporter is now connected with a live fundraiser

5. Converts to RG

The live fundraiser talks the supporter through the different options and answers any questions. When they are ready to make a donation they are sent to a landing page.


The fundraiser is on the end of the messenger app and is able to have a two way chat with supporters responding in real time. They take the qualified leads and convert them into regular givers.

They are able to speak to multiple supporters at one time making this more economical than TM. And can send additional content such as videos, images regardless of whether they sign up. These have signfically higher open rates (90% +) compared to other channels such as email.


UN Women Australia saw between 6.5-12% conversion rates throughout the campaign. 

Current results show a 95% retention after 8 months. Due to the success of the campaign UN Women Germany has now started the program with similar success. 

Q & A with Leisa Quinn: Digital Marketing Manager UN Women Australia

1. How did the RaiseThru programme help you? 

I didn’t know what I was doing before the RaiseThru program and it was like stabbing in the dark as I didn’t know the best way to build the ads or the best targeting. Working with Raise thru has meant my knowledge of fb advertising has increased so much and now I feel really confident about building campaigns. I built a recent Facebook campaign with the knowledge I gained from the raise thru programme and it has performed so much better than I could ever anticipated. It has an average CPA $34 which for us is amazing considering in Australia the average is $400. I can’t speak highly enough of the programme, it’s amazing.

2. What is your biggest success?

Raisethru is helping us find the right people to contact who really care about what we are doing. We’re getting leads that are quality leads that we can continue to talk to we are also getting a steady stream of regular donors and one off donors who we can talk to and convert later down the line. Also the knowlege i have learnt. Working with RaiseThru you're able to control what is going on as I am involved in every decsison.  I know what the metrics are on an ongoing basis. It is so good to have that insight. Compared with other agencies Raisethru is so transparent. 

3. Do you have any tips for other charities thinking about doing a FB messenger campaign?

Just do it! Try it! Make sure you find the right person for the live chat and they understand how to message as the formula is quite different from speaking to someone on the phone- lots more emojis!



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